PingError Analysis (EA)
Error analysis is the approach that focuses on error that learners regularly produce in the process of learning an L2.
The Importance of EA:
1. It may play a role in understanding the processes that underlie L2 learning.
2. It figures out statistically the troublesome linguistic areas on errors that L2 learners encounter in learning.
3. Errors provide valuable feedback to both teachers and learners.
4. Errors provide researchers with insights into the nature of the L2 learning process.
The differences between EA and CA:
• EA is not restricted to errors caused by negative transfer from the L1;it brings to light many errors frequently committed by learners, such as ‘overgeneralization errors’. For example, foreign language learners overgeneralize the rule of plural morpheme’-s’ to ‘childs’ instead o the correct form ‘children’.
• EA unlike CA, provides data on real problems and this may lead to correct solutions in the L2 teaching
• EA is not confronted with problems such as accurate and explicit descriptions of languages, compatibility, adequate knowledge of the contrasted language, etc. that CA may face.
EA Methodology:
EA is undertaken by using the following techniques:
1. Collection of Errors: By using free compositions of learners around a theme or from their answers to examinations.
2. Identification of Errors: By telling what kind of deviation from the L2 norm is and what a language variety (e.g. British or American English) and form(i.e. spoken or written)
3. Classification of error type
4. Statement of relative frequency of error types
5. Identification of the areas of difficulty in the L2