Bharti does not let Mona do anything for Anukalp. Anukalp understands that Mona is hurt and offers her a rose to placate her. Bijal taunts Mona saying that she does not know to do any work around the house. Baa tells Bijal that Bharti will never allow Mona to do any work around the house. Kalpesh scolds Bharti for behaving rudely with Mona. He points out to her that it is wrong to stop Mona from doing household chores and asks her to help Mona instead. Bharti gets angry and tells him that she is not Mona's mother to teach her everything. Kalpesh tells her that if she does not accept Mona as her daughter-in-law then problems will keep arising. Bharti tells Kalpesh that she will try and make Mona understand about their traditions and customs. Mona cries in her room. When Bharti goes to talk to Mona, she explodes in anger on seeing the room untidy. She yells at Mona and questions if her mother did not teach her anything. Mona breaks down and tells her that she does not know how to handle household responsibilities. Bharti asks Mona to stop crying and offers to teach her everything. Bharti tells Mona to clean up the room. While cleaning the room, Mona finds the bangles that she had liked in the shop. Mona is elated thinking that Anukalp cares for her. Mona gets a call from Kalavati and rushes off to the Bedi residence. Bijal wonders that maybe Anukalp has called Mona to meet him outside. Bharti tells Bijal that Anukalp never lies to her. Mona is shocked when she comes to know that Sweetie has tried to commit suicide. The doctor arrives and checks Sweetie. Mona gets worried and calls Anukalp to tell him about the whole episode. Bharti is surprised when she notices Anukalp entering the Bedi residence.