Structure of the Framework
he CTE standards are written for 15 industry sectors. Within those sectors
separate standards have been developed for 58 career pathways. For a unique
blend of big-picture analysis o?set by the details of classroom instruction and
pathway levels, the framework is presented in two parts: Part I, which o?ers ex-
tensive detail on a variety of topics applicable to all 15 industry sectors; and Part
II, which highlights each industry sector with selected examples.
Part I consists of a introduction and five chapters. he introduction o?ers an
overview of the compelling case for CTE as to its accomplishments in (1) in-
creasing the success and satisfaction of high school students; and (2) increasing
the quality and quantity of skilled workers to fuel the economy. It explores the
relationship between rapidly changing workforce needs and an increasing de-
mand for CTE, which is highly flexible and adaptable to meet those needs. he
introduction also provides an overview of the current structure and funding of
CTE in California, explores some of the unique qualities of CTE, and discusses
the high level of support for CTE expansion and innovation.