Dear Friend,
Sorry for not having the pleasure of knowing your mindset before
making you this offer, it is utterly confidential and genuine by
virtue of its nature. I write to solicit your assistance in a funds
transfer deal involving US$4.700, 000.00 (Four million, seven hundred
thousand dollars). Meanwhile, I know there is absolutely going to be a
great doubt and distrust in your heart in respect of this email,
coupled with the fact that so many miscreants and unbelievers have
taken possession of the internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds,
thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine and legitimate
business class persons to get attention and recognition.
This fund was formally deposited in our bank branch office ICB by the
formal first lady Mrs. Chantal Compare, the wife of formal president
of Burkina Faso Blaise Compaore who resigned on Friday 31-10-2014
Time: 02:10:27: pm as hundreds of thousands of people took to the
streets in protest at his plans to extend his rule after already
27years of his rule. I am the manager of ICB and was instructed by the
formal president wife “Mrs. Chantal Compare” who flees to Cote
d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast with her husband for safety over the citizen
protest against Blaise Compare plans to extend his ruling. Mrs.
Chantal Compare asked me to secretly seek for foreign account where
this money would be transferred to for safe keeping.
Please know that it was on this note that I am contacting you. I have
now placed this amount in a Non-Investment Account without a
beneficiary, and I am secretly contacting you to stand firmly as a
foreigner to claim the money into your account. Upon your response and
willingness for the deal, then I will configure your name on our
database computer as holder of the Non-Investment Account. I will then
guide you on how to apply to my head office for the Account Closure,
thereafter, bank-to-bank remittance of the funds to your designated
bank account.
It is up to you to decide whether this letter deserves your trust and
confidentiality. And if indeed it does, whatever your actions and your
decision let me know immediately so that I will give you the detail
how we should go about it. If you concur with this proposal, I intend
for you to retain 45% of the funds while 55% shall be for Mrs. Chantal
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Hisham Latifa .