trophy from stand and puts Ambe Maa’s idol there, she gets call from Rekha, Rekha ask did you reach to your house? DEvika says yes, Rekha says i am so much happy for you, i wanted to talk to you, DEvika ask what happened? Rekha says now i know my upbringing was right, today your mother in law came and she was praising you, you made me proud, you have accepted your in laws so well, i know you handle everything well, my health is fine after listening so much praise of yours, i have faith that you will handle responsibilities of wife and daughter in law really well, DEvika ask who said all this to you? Rekha says your mother in law, she invites us to reception, we all are so happy, we will meet in evening, i will pray that you celebrate everyday, DEvika thinks that i said no to reception and now Rekha.. Rekha says Sakshi and Pallavi are coming, she ends call, DEvika says what is happening, i said so much things to Ravi, i said i will not come to reception, now i will have to bow to him, he will taunt me so muc