An event in my lifeEach of us his life full of positive or negative ev ترجمة - An event in my lifeEach of us his life full of positive or negative ev العربية كيف أقول

An event in my lifeEach of us his l

An event in my life

Each of us his life full of positive or negative events, and these events have a reason to change your life. You may stay in your life and can never forget. It is important to take all the events in your life for the better, and be very positive. I will describe an event changed my life for the better, God willing.

When I was in sixth grade and I am 11 years old and my grandfather was everything in my life. I still love him very much. Is my idol after the "Messenger of God". Began serious health takes so much fatigue. The day was more serious than fatigue seriously and taken to hospital. My grandfather stayed in the hospital for about a week. You are at the end of the night, aakhz carpet and pray and ask God to me and is healthy. On Tuesday I am at school if my family come early to take me from the school. If they told me my grandfather died and left me and went to heaven, God willing. The history of 1424/10/16 9: 30 am is a very sad day. It was because of my smile just by talking to him and he doesn't like seeing my tears.

It was very difficult after that went much has changed in my life. I wasn't able to believe it at first, but I remembered that God chose him best. God bless you and God to paradise
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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
An event in my lifeEach of us his life full of positive or negative events, and these events have a reason to change your life. You may stay in your life and can never forget. It is important to take all the events in your life for the better, and be very positive. I will describe an event changed my life for the better, God willing.When I was in sixth grade and I am 11 years old and my grandfather was everything in my life. I still love him very much. Is my idol after the "Messenger of God". Began serious health takes so much fatigue. The day was more serious than fatigue seriously and taken to hospital. My grandfather stayed in the hospital for about a week. You are at the end of the night, aakhz carpet and pray and ask God to me and is healthy. On Tuesday I am at school if my family come early to take me from the school. If they told me my grandfather died and left me and went to heaven, God willing. The history of 1424/10/16 9: 30 am is a very sad day. It was because of my smile just by talking to him and he doesn't like seeing my tears. It was very difficult after that went much has changed in my life. I wasn't able to believe it at first, but I remembered that God chose him best. God bless you and God to paradise
يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
النتائج (العربية) 2:[نسخ]
حدث في حياتي كل واحد منا حياته كاملة من الأحداث الإيجابية أو السلبية، وهذه الأحداث لديها سبب لتغيير حياتك. يمكنك البقاء في حياتك ويمكن أن ننسى أبدا. من المهم أن تتخذ جميع الأحداث في حياتك للأفضل، وتكون إيجابية جدا. سأذكر حدث تغير حياتي للأفضل إن شاء الله. وعندما كنت في الصف السادس وعمري 11 سنة وكان جدي كل شيء في حياتي. ما زلت أحبه كثيرا. هو مثلي الأعلى بعد "رسول الله". بدأت تأخذ صحية خطيرة الكثير من التعب. اليوم كان أكثر خطورة من التعب على محمل الجد ونقل إلى المستشفى. بقي جدي في المستشفى لمدة اسبوع تقريبا. كنت في نهاية الليل، والسجاد aakhz ونصلي ونسأل الله لي وغير صحي. يوم الثلاثاء وأنا في المدرسة إذا عائلتي تأتي مبكرة ليأخذني من المدرسة. إذا قالوا لي توفي جدي وتركني وذهب إلى الجنة إن شاء الله. تاريخ 1424/10/16 9: 30 صباحا هو يوم حزين جدا. كان ذلك بسبب ابتسامتي فقط من خلال التحدث إليه وأنه لا يحب رؤية دموعي. وكان من الصعب جدا بعد أن ذهب لم يتغير الكثير في حياتي. لم أكن قادرا على تصديق ذلك في البداية، ولكن تذكرت أن الله اختار له الأفضل. بارك الله فيك والله إلى الجنة

يجري ترجمتها، يرجى الانتظار ..
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