I worked for a man for three weeks. I worked very hard. Every day I went to work for three weeks. I asked my boss when I was going to get paid. He did not answer. I asked him again and he changed the subject. I called him and he did not answer the phone. Every day I asked him when I would get my first check. My boss just ignored me. I was getting really mad. I was working hard and I was starting to think that he was not going to pay me. I kept asking him. I kept calling him. I even sent him text messages about getting paid. He never responded.
One day he answered the phone. He told me to come to my work at 10am to pick up the check. I said ok. I waited until 10am. At 10am I went to the store. Guess what? My boss wasn’t there.
The next day, I started calling him again. I called him. I texted him and he never responded. A few days later after I was getting very frustrated, I went to the store. He was there. I told him I needed the money. I needed to get paid. I told him I have 11 kids and a lot of bills to pay. He just smiled and told me to come back the next day.
The next day, I went to the store right when it opened. I went to my work with all of my 11 kids. My boss was there. I asked him for the millionth time for my check. He finally paid me. I was so happy. He finally paid me for my hard work.