Angad told everything thinking that its Sapna in the room.Mahi also re ترجمة - Angad told everything thinking that its Sapna in the room.Mahi also re العربية كيف أقول

Angad told everything thinking that

Angad told everything thinking that its Sapna in the room.Mahi also remember when Rahul come to their home and also when Shabd friend Vinay says to Shabd and Sapna,so u guys have finally married..Mahi also remember when Sapna had Shabd photos..Mahi says why have u do that with me Shabd.Shabd come and Mahi stop crying..Shabd says Happy Birthday Sweetheart..Shabd says thank u for coming in my life.Shabd give another gift to Mahi,its a locket.Mahi din't says anything..Shabd ask to her what happend?are u upset?is everything alright..Mahi says do i have a reason to be sad?Shabd says no,u have got a good husband,who loves u and care about u.Mahi says i am very lucky because my husband gives me a lot of big surprises.Mahi says a husband who never lies to me.Angad and Kamya enters.Kamya says ohh i am sorry,i hope we have not disturb you. Kamya saw the locket in Mahi neck and says outside u give another gift and here u give another one.Shabd says ofcourse its my wife..Kamya ask what will u give me in my birthday.Shabd says whatever u want.Kamya says i have made a long list,its ok?Shabd says ofcourse.Kamya comes and hug Shabd and says u are the best brother in the world.Angad smile but Mahi is sad.

Durga House:

The lawyer is talking with DD about the document of Veer of life insurance.The lawyer leave.DD saw Veer photo on the lift insurance document and gets sad.Durga and Cherry come and Durga says to DD take some rest.Durga,DD and Cherry were leaving.Jeet come and saw Veer name on the document and says Veer Khurana.Everyone turns around and gets a shock..Jeet saw Veer photo and remember some moments with him.Veer ask to Durga who is he?what has happend to him.Durga was going to tell something but Cherry says to Jeet that its ur older brother Veer,he is no more.Cherry says he was a police inspecter and died in the war,she says Veer was solving a case and someone shoot him.Cherry says he died by saving someone else.Jeet ask who was it?Cherry says don't know,it was someone stranger.Cherry take Jeet with her and leave.

Dinning Table:

Kamya and Mahi are eating while Sapna come.Kamya ask yeesterday u scared us,how are u feeling today.Sapna says i am feeling better now..Kamya says go and tell the doctor what happend with u yesterday.Kamya ask to Mahi if i am right?Mahi says Sapna should take decision by herself.Mahi leave.Kamya says lets go to the hospital for the checkup.Kamya and Sapna leave..


Tayaji and Rahul are playing with the pillow and Tyaji is laughing.Mahi is upset.Rahul says to Mahi lets play,me and u vs Tayaji and Tyaji..Mahi says go away,i dont' want to play..Rahul goes and says to Tyaji will u play with me.Tyaji says yes but u have to take me in ur team.Rahul agree and they both play with Tayaji..Mahi is upset and is thinking till when will i suffer like that.

Durga House:

Doctor has come for the checkup of Jeet.Doctor ask if Jeet has remember something?Cherry says no but Durga says in the morning Jeet saw Veer photo and he has remember something.Doctor says its a good sign,i think his memory is coming back slowly.The doctor leave with DD.Durga says to Cherry what happend?have i says something wrong.Durga says i thought u will be happy to know that Jeet memory ic coming back..Durga leave.Cherry says to herself i won't let my plan to be fail.Episode ends on Cherry face.

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النتائج (العربية) 1: [نسخ]
أنجاد قال كل شيء التفكير في أن ما سابنا في الغرفة. ماهي تذكر أيضا عندما تأتي راهول إلى وطنهم وأيضا عندما يقول صديق شابد فيناي شابد وسابنا، حتى رفاق أخيرا تزوج... ماهي تذكر أيضا عندما كان سابنا شابد الصور... ماهي يقول لماذا يكون ش تفعل معي Shabd.Shabd تأتي وماهي التوقف عن البكاء... ويقول شابد "حبيبته عيد ميلاد سعيد"... شابد يقول شكرا على حضوركم في حياتي. شابد تعطي هدية أخرى إلى ماهي، أنها المنجد. ماهي din't يقول أي شيء... اسأل شابد لها ماذا حدث؟ هي قلب؟ كل شيء على ما يرام... ماهي يقول هل سببا ليكون حزينا؟ شابد تقول لا، وكنت قد حصلت على زوج جيد، يحب لك ويهتمون u.Mahi يقول أنا محظوظ جداً لأن زوجي يعطيني الكثير من مفاجآت كبيرة. ماهي يقول زوج الذي يكذب ابدأ بالنسبة لي. أنجاد وكاميا يدخل. كاميا يقول أوه أنا آسف، يحدوني الأمل في أننا قد عدم الإزعاج لك. شهد المنجد في الرقبة ماهي كاميا ويقول يو خارج إعطاء هدية أخرى وهنا إعطاء يو واحد آخر. ويقول شابد فكورسي زوجتي... كاميا اسأل ما يو سيعطي لي في عيد ميلادي. ويقول شابد كل ما تريد. كاميا يقول لقد جعلت من قائمة طويلة، موافق؟ ويقول شابد فكورسي. كاميا يأتي وعناق شابد ويقول أنت شقيق أفضل في العالم. ابتسامة أنجاد لكن ماهي أمر محزن. دورغا البيت: The lawyer is talking with DD about the document of Veer of life insurance.The lawyer leave.DD saw Veer photo on the lift insurance document and gets sad.Durga and Cherry come and Durga says to DD take some rest.Durga,DD and Cherry were leaving.Jeet come and saw Veer name on the document and says Veer Khurana.Everyone turns around and gets a shock..Jeet saw Veer photo and remember some moments with him.Veer ask to Durga who is he?what has happend to him.Durga was going to tell something but Cherry says to Jeet that its ur older brother Veer,he is no more.Cherry says he was a police inspecter and died in the war,she says Veer was solving a case and someone shoot him.Cherry says he died by saving someone else.Jeet ask who was it?Cherry says don't know,it was someone stranger.Cherry take Jeet with her and leave. Dinning Table: Kamya and Mahi are eating while Sapna come.Kamya ask yeesterday u scared us,how are u feeling today.Sapna says i am feeling better now..Kamya says go and tell the doctor what happend with u yesterday.Kamya ask to Mahi if i am right?Mahi says Sapna should take decision by herself.Mahi leave.Kamya says lets go to the hospital for the checkup.Kamya and Sapna leave.. Hall: Tayaji and Rahul are playing with the pillow and Tyaji is laughing.Mahi is upset.Rahul says to Mahi lets play,me and u vs Tayaji and Tyaji..Mahi says go away,i dont' want to play..Rahul goes and says to Tyaji will u play with me.Tyaji says yes but u have to take me in ur team.Rahul agree and they both play with Tayaji..Mahi is upset and is thinking till when will i suffer like that. Durga House: Doctor has come for the checkup of Jeet.Doctor ask if Jeet has remember something?Cherry says no but Durga says in the morning Jeet saw Veer photo and he has remember something.Doctor says its a good sign,i think his memory is coming back slowly.The doctor leave with DD.Durga says to Cherry what happend?have i says something wrong.Durga says i thought u will be happy to know that Jeet memory ic coming back..Durga leave.Cherry says to herself i won't let my plan to be fail.Episode ends on Cherry face. Use Thank You Button
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