Customer Results
Below shows typical customer results from as little as 2 weeks using Beardboost:
Supplement Information
Biotin is a vital component for increasing the levels of keratin in your body, leading to healthy facial hair growth. Of all the ingredients it's perhaps one of the most important, the reason why we have higher levels to boost your beard from the inside out.
Silica (Horsetail Extract) role in facial hair growth appears to be two-fold. Firstly, it will help to achieve a healthy hormonal balance. It will also most definitely help to prevent hair thinning and improve elasticity.
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) provides an essential sulphur compound, which can play an important role in several biochemical processes of the body. Despite it positively affecting your general health, it's main benefit is to help nourish facial hair follicles and promote hair growth. A study carried out at the Oregon Health & Science University has reported increased hair growth among participants after using methylsulfonylmethane for about six weeks.
Vitamin A regulates retinoic acid at the level of the hair follicle. This helps hair to grow and can also be good for the skin.
Vitamin B comes in a number of strains of which we have loads; B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12 to be precise. This particular blend will together improve facial hair growth, shine and thickness. A deficiency in vitamin B is known to be a leading factor in baldness - so if you're getting a little thin on top it should help with this too!
Vitamin C is used by our body to build collagen, which is crucial in developing facial hair growth. Vitamin C also assists in breaking down iron, another building block of hair, so maintaining good levels of vitamin C is necessary to absorb iron. The body cannot produce vitamin C internally, so Beardboost gives you this important hair building block.
Vitamin D helps prevent facial hair breaking which is critical to a thicker and fuller beard.
Vitamin E aids blood circulation through the growth of capillaries. This increased circulation speeds the growth of facial hair in many men . It can also help to prevent hair breakages, help heal damaged facial hair and cure a dry beard too.
Zinc feeds the oil glands near the follicles, which in turns keeps beards nourished and supple. Not enough zinc in your diet will cause your hair to become dry and brittle and your scalp will flake.
Folic Acid helps your cells work and tissues grow, it helps your hair growth if you're receiving an adequate amount of folic acid on a regular basis.
100% natural ingredients
Our specific combination of vitamins and minerals are 100% natural, we don't use any artificial colouring or flavourings in our facial hair formula. If you look at our capsules they're absolutely packed with ingredients, that's because we didn't want to leave out anything that would help boost your beard! These components are mostly water soluble too, meaning that you'll never overdose on any of the important vitamins as your body will dispose of them for you!
To summarise, our blended mix of natural ingredients will give your body all the raw ingredients it needs to grow a full and healthy beard. Working alongside your genetics our product will supplement your diet to ensure your body is always at the optimal level needed for full and healthy facial hair.
If you would like more information on the beardboost ingredients please contact us and we'll be happy to help.