DEvika comes in lobby and is finding Ravi, she says he is very careless, where i will find him, Saket comes to her and ask if you need anything, Devika says Ravi left and i dont know where is he, Saket says he is very careless, he left you alone in new place, he calls housekeeper and ask to find Ravi, he goes, Saket says to DEvika that dont worry, if he doesnt care about you then why you care about him, Saket thinks that i will do what i want, i just have to show some sympathy, Saket ask DEvika did he fight with you? she doesnt answer, he ask her to call him, she calls him but he doesnt pick up, they listen phone ringing from store room, Saket says i think he is inside, Saket ask housekeeper keys of store room, housekeeper gives it to him, Saket opens store room, Ravi is sleeping with girl arms in arm, Devika is shocked seeing this, Saket wakes up Ravi and girl, Girl leaves, Saket says to Ravi that you didnt think about your wife, you left her and sleeping with other girl, you are digusting, Ravi says nothing like this Devika, DEvika leaves, Saket sys to Ravi that whats all this? you were telling me that i use girls but what you were doing? you are on honeymoon with wife and having fun with other girl, shame on you, police comes there