Oh, I hate when that happens with me.:(
Ok. no problem. take your time and I'll wait you.
mmmm I read your message again and again and I really don't understand, there is no logical in your words. So, I want to ask you again and I hope to find logical answers.:)
You said that " You believe that God came to earth and lived as a human in order to die on the Cross, and he spilled his blood for your sins and that you can be forgiven of your sins because he died for you."
That means "The God died. :O How can that happened:/?? and I read in your book that, God dead for three days so, Who ruled the universe for three days????????
Also, there is a contradiction in your words. You said that: "You believe that God came to earth and lived as a human in order to die on the Cross.", then you said that: "You believe that he loves you so much that he sent his son to die for you and that by this act of love you can be forgiven of our sins because he took your place and paid the price for your sins.
I'm confused now. Did God come to earth and died on the cross or he send his son???????
I'm sorry. I ask too much.
please, see this site. You'll find audio files of Quran "our book". Load them and listen carefully to every word. Don't worry, there is translation.^^