Research questions: This research investigates the following question:
- To what extent teachers master activities associated with the development of teaching habits of mind in general and in certain fields of the teaching and learning process; i.e. (teaching plan, building the knowledge, group management, assessment, and extra activities)?
- To what extent teachers master the requirements of the development of 16 Habits of Mind each of them alone?
- Are there any significant differences in the means of teachers „responses fields of (teaching plan, building the knowledge, group management, assessment, and extra activities) that can be attributed to the core subjects (Islamic studies, Arabic language, English language, Mathematics, Science, and Social studies)?
- Are there any significant differences in the means of teachers „responses in the Requirements of the Development of 16 habits of Mind each of them alone that can be attributed to the core subjects (Islamic studies, Arabic language, English language, Mathematics, Science, and Social studies