Introduction: many people suffer from inflammation of the inner ear
Allergies or allergies to certain medicines Summit the experience based on previous testing, treatment with rice is a kind of herbs are available in almost all the houses
This treatment can be used without going to the doctor if the patient is aware that the disease is inflammation of the inner ear, using many methods of cooking rice steamed
Problem: does the rice effect in treating inflammatory ear procedure?
Procedure: 1-note issue
2. search for home remedies available to more people living with
3. discover that rice is more presence and availability for people living with the disease
4. experience to ten (10) people with steam rice cooker
Then place it on a clean rag or sock and used
Results: the response of 8 out of 10 people and the continuing daily affect the rapid emergence of the result and be cautious when you use terms that do not drop any grain of rice ear has a negative impact on the ear and get reverse of treatment and increase the pain.