To the Spanish Embassy in Cairo,
We El Watania Group for Awqaf Investments hereby confirm that Mr. KARIM MOHAMED MEGAHED HASSANEIN – has been working as an accountant at El Watania Group for Awqaf Investments (El Mahmoudia Previously) since 1/1/2011 until present under insurance No. 28621162.He is a permanent employee of the company whose net salary is 3500 L.E(Three thousands and five hundred Egyptian pounds only).
Mr. Karim has received the company's approval to take a leave from work from 22/12/2016 till 7/1/2017 for his plans to travel to Spain. He will end his leave and come back to start his work at the group as of 8/1/2017. The company has approved his leave request and has issued this letter upon his request to present it to the embassy in order to receive the visa without any liability on our part.
Best regards,