6. The direct insurer of the aircraft was MISR Insurance Company ("MISR"). The Claimants were reinsurers who subscribed to a reinsurance at the policy that covered the hull of the Aircraft and who each paid their proportion of the claim to MISR. Thereafter, the Claimants pursued their claim before the US Court against the First Derendant (“Syria”), together with the Second Defendant, Syrian Air Force Intelligence, and the Third Defendant, General Muhammad Al Khult. Chief of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence, for reimbursement of the sums paid under xhe reinsurance policy to MISR. i he Court handed down the US judgment, which was a final judgment in the Claimants' favour against all three Defendants in the sum of US$51,574,997.89, on 12th April 2012. The US Judgment was filed on 14th May 2012 and a copv is at pp. [6-7] of exhibit EJA3