water-based air heaters. Designs also provide for
the use of thermal vestibules – infrared heating
situated between the open galleries of spectators
and blocks of warm rooms (kiosks, coff ee shops,
etc.). Heat curtains are also considered at the outer
openings (lobbies including in offi ce areas, loading
and unloading areas). Electric under-fl oor heating is
planned in the team locker rooms and in the medical
examination rooms.
Individual heating controls are installed in the most
of the premises. Installation of heat meters are
considered for various functional areas for measuring
the heat consumption.
Modern mechanical ventilation systems with variable
speed drives are included in the stadium design for
greater comfort. The ventilation system is equipped
with fi lters at the air intakes to clean the outdoor air.
Combined extract and input ventilation is designed
for all of the indoor premises.
For each group of premises in the stadium the
ventilation system is split into blocks so that each
area can be separately ventilated. Air is supplied to
the groups of premises on a need-only basis, saving
energy and resources. The main playing fi eld and
the stands are normally designed to be ventilated
passively by outdoor air.
Energy-effi cient metal-halide lamps will be used for
artifi cial lighting of the sports stadiums. According
to the FIFA requirements, these are the only type of
lamps that meet the required quality of light in terms
of brightness and frequency.
In the surrounding areas and in the architectural
exterior lighting, the stadiums mainly apply effi cient
and energy-saving, environmentally friendly systems
based on LED lamps. Interior lighting in offi ces and
technical rooms is mostly provided by metal-halide
and LED lamps.
All the stadiums are designed to allow natural
daylight into the main arena in the daytime. This is
achieved through the architecture design and the
extensive use of translucent materials.
Internal and external lighting conditions
At a number of the stadiums such as those in the cities of
Samara and Nizhny Novgorod, a special study was carried
out calculating internal and external lighting conditions.
Such calculations took into account the diff erent aspects
of lighting operations during a particular period of time:
by the hour, by the day, by the week, and by the season.
They also take into account the characteristics and lighting
requirements of the illuminated area under consideration.
Lighting technical calculations are an inherent requirement
for a number of internationally recognised green building
standards. The calculations are performed by a computer
simulation that provides high-precision data and a
methodology for energy-effi cient lighting modes within and
adjacent to the stadiums. Lighting calculations allow the
required number of outside lights, their optimum capacity
and allocation on the site plan to be determined with a high
degree of accuracy at the design stage.
Usually, all the stadiums have two modes of lighting:
everyday and sport. Outdoor lighting switches on
and off automatically and is controlled by sensors
that determine the time of day and condition of
the ambient light. In some of the stadiums, motion
sensors will be installed for indoor lighting of
technical rooms that are rarely occupied. Such
systems will switch on and off automatically, will save
energy and can prolong bulb lives. All the electrical