There is a lot aspect of globalization for example (cultural, social, political, economic, communication and technology). In this assignment I will take about Cultural globalization and Economic globalization.
1. Cultural globalization
Cultural globalization means the link between cultural and ethnic communities, or in other words, the transmission of ideas and habits of society to another. Transitions between cultural communities vary in the degree of importance and influence. For example: political, military, cultural and informational hegemony in the world goes back to America, and from this we can say for sure that the American culture has a significant impact on the culture of the societies of the world by virtue of cultural control.
The goal of cultural globalization is a public service of humanity, and the standardization of the determination, and the removal of geographic barriers, and to promote human values and protection, and unify efforts to improve human life the through modern publishing technology from their positions in the developed world to the far ends of the earth, and to help solve the problems of all nations live in the goodness of humanity.
2- Economic globalization
Refers to economic globalization, at the global level, the speed of the exchange of goods and services that have become available thanks to the gradual elimination of trade barriers within the framework of the GATT agreements and the World Trade Organization since 1995, and also thanks to the development of transport and communications.
Some people argue that globalization leads to increased well-being of individuals where grant individuals the opportunity to buy more diverse and more qualities and cheaper than "global market products. As well as the world has become more democratic.
There are other people who see that free trade increases more than the rich richer and the poor poorer.